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Zibo partners South Korea's Gwangju in culture, tourism

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: October 15, 2021

A culture and tourism exchange meeting recently took place at the foreign affairs office of Zibo – situated in East China's Shandong province – which is expected to deepen the bonds and working relations between the prefecture-level city and Gwangju, South Korea's sixth-largest metropolis.

At the event they signed an agreement on culture and tourism exchanges. This will pave the way for the two cities to establish a protocol for regular mutual visits, exchanges and cooperation in culture and tourism and to organize more on-site and online activities.

Zibo is reputedly a great city for tourists – boasting numerous cultural and historical sites. These include the ruins of the ancient Qi state and the sacrificial horse pit from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770-256 BC), while it is also known as the place where soccer originated.

At the meeting Li Xiaohong, director of the bureau of culture and tourism of Zibo and Lee Won-hyung, director of the bureau of economy and culture of Gwangju, gave briefings on the culture and tourism resources of the two cities.

The foreign affairs office of Zibo will continue to make use of the resources of sister cities – and carry out exchanges and cooperation in commerce and trade, education, sports, health and other areas – in order to help build an advanced and open city.