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Zibo communicates with North Jeolla on renewable energy

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: October 22, 2021

The foreign affairs office of Zibo city – located in East China's Shandong province – recently sent a representative to attend the 2021 Saemangeum Renewable Energy International Forum, to strengthen friendly exchanges between Zibo and North Jeolla province in South Korea.

Shandong University of Technology professor Li Zhongfang presented an online keynote report to the forum on the status of fuel cells and research progress made by an experimental group. The event took place on Oct 20-21 in Gunsan city, in North Jeolla province.

The Zibo foreign affairs office is expected to promote academic research exchanges and project cooperation with North Jeolla on solar energy, hydrogen energy, wind power and other renewable energy.

The office is also expected to launch concrete projects with North Jeolla and contribute to the industrial transformation and upgrading of Zibo.