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Zibo officials attend round-table conference of Volgograd Int'l Public Diplomacy Forum

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: November 2, 2021


The round-table conference of the Volgograd International Public Diplomacy Forum is held online on Oct 30, with 10 representatives from Chinese and Russian cities attending. [Photo/sdchina.com]

Focusing on new trends and opportunities between Chinese and Russian cities, the round-table conference of the Volgograd International Public Diplomacy Forum was held online on Oct 30.

Bi Hongwei, deputy mayor of Zibo in East China's Shandong province, was one of 10 representatives from Chinese and Russian cities to participate in the conference.


Bi Hongwei, deputy mayor of Zibo, addresses the conference. [Photo/sdchina.com]

During the conference, Bi Hongwei gave a speech about Zibo and its cooperation with Russian cities. She also talked about ways to further deepen long-term mutual relationships and enhance bilateral cooperation in every field.

The Volgograd International Public Diplomacy Forum, organized by the Volgograd municipal government of Russia and held every year on Oct 31 since 2014, is a regional forum aimed at expanding international community connections and cooperation.