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Hydrogen energy

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: December 29, 2021

Development goals: to build key hydrogen materials and the core equipment industry base of Shandong province, as well as to develop Zibo as a hydrogen energy hub city linking the Bohai Rim region and the Yangtze River Delta area, as well as to develop it as a national influential hydrogen energy development and utilization demonstration city. The recently set main goal is to create a national fuel cell vehicles demonstration city cluster. By the end of 2022, the hydrogen industrial scale of the city will have increased rapidly, the industrial supply chain will have gradually improved and the industry layout structure will have basically been formed. Moreover, its important function as a core city in the Shandong hydrogen economic belt will have emerged.

By 2025, the industrial scale of the hydrogen sector in the city will have realized leap-frog expansion, while the hydrogen industrial ecosystem and support infrastructure will have improved. Furthermore, key technology will have achieved a major breakthrough, the layout of the hydrogen industrial supply chain will have improved, hydrogen industrial clusters will have formed critical mass and hydrogen applications will have multiplied. The specific goal is to build the "Top Four" industries – the large-scale hydrogen production, hydrogen equipment, fuel cell commercial vehicles and fuel cell critical materials sectors.

Key parks: the Zibo economic development zone, the Zibo Dongyue economic development zone, the Zichuan economic development zone, the Qilu chemicals zone and the Boshan economic development zone.

Key projects: the Zibo Energy Group hydrogen comprehensive development and utilization project, the Dongyue Group fuel cell proton exchange membrane and auxiliary product project, the State Energy Group advanced energy figure (Zibo) industrial base project, the Geely commercial vehicle production base project, the SinoHytec hydrogen cell engine industrial project and the Boli-Shandong Aluminum hydrogen heavy truck operation project. Elsewhere, the Qilu petrochemical refining integration transformation and upgrading project, the Anze gas hydrogen basic industry development project, the hydrogen comprehensive utilization project of Air Chemical Products (China) Investment Co Ltd and the fuel cell and system industrialization project of Edelman (Zibo) hydrogen technology Co Ltd.


A new hydrogen energy demonstration bus hits the road. [Photo provided to zibo.gov.cn]