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zibo.gov.cn| Updated: December 29, 2021

Development goals: to develop towards high-end, clustered and branding orientation based on key fields. These include textiles raw materials, yarn, lining, clothing, home textiles, printing and dyeing, as well as industrial textiles. Others goals are to promote the innovation of technology, management, production and operations models, to increase R&D and design inputs and to realize technology breakthroughs in key fields. To drive forwards the development of the sector and undertake efforts to build a "technical, fashionable and green" featured textiles hub in the new era. By 2025, projections are that large-scale enterprises in the city's textile sector will have generated annual revenue of 26 billion yuan ($4.08 billion).

Key parks: the Luthai industrial park and the Boshan economic development zone.

Representative enterprises: Luthai Group, Lufeng Weaving and Dyeing, Lulian New Material, Yinshilai Textile, Daranfang, Aspop, Gaoqing Ruyi Textile, Bashan Weaving, Yuntao Home Textiles, and Feishi Towels and Quilt.


A sumptuous selection of silk products from textiles manufacturer Daranfang. [Photo provided to zibo.gov.cn]