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Notice for critical patients during the epidemic

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: March 18, 2022

According to the Zibo emergency plan, if there are special needs for medical treatment in the quarantine area – such as for kidney dialysis, pregnant women in labor and tumor radiotherapy – the community and the person in need shall contact the designated medical institution in advance to make an appointment (24-hour contact number: 0533-6410321). The hospital will then arrange a special vehicle to take the patient. After the treatment, the patient will be sent back and will be subject to closed-loop management.

In case of acute and critical illness, the person in need may directly call the emergency number 120 and inform their community leader. The ambulance will then transfer the patient to hospital.

During the transfer process, patients should protect themselves as required and during the treatment, to prevent cross-infection, patients should act in strict accordance with the hospital's regulations.