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Shuqing Canggu shape-rubbing, Ronggu ink-rubbing skills

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: May 27, 2022

The Shuqing Canggu shape-rubbing skill is a special technique involving the rubbing of the original image of an object onto flat paper.


A selection of artworks made by the Shuqing Canggu shape-rubbing skill. [Photo/WeChat ID: zibowenhualvyou]

This skill requires its inheritors to be familiar with various techniques such as drawing, painting, mounting, paper cutting and rubbing.

Due to the complex process, technical difficulty and long learning period, only a few people are proficient in it.


A demonstration of Shuqing Canggu shape rubbing. [Photo/WeChat ID: zibowenhualvyou]

Wang Shuqing from Gaoqing county – administered by Zibo city in East China's Shandong province – is an outstanding inheritor of it. He even established a museum called Shuqing Canggu, collecting inscriptions and rubbings with the theme of the Yellow River culture.


An artwork made by the Ronggu light ink-rubbing skill. [Photo/WeChat ID: zibowenhualvyou]

Ronggu light ink rubbing gradually formed its own unique method through inheriting and absorbing various methods. Compared with other rubbing methods, its works are much more like stone carvings and can truly reflect the style of carving works.