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Technology improves kilns in Zibo

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: June 20, 2022

A digital intelligent management system for kilns – the first of its kind in China – was launched on June 17 by the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology of Zibo, the city in East China's Shandong province, together with local-based Haizhizao Iot Technology Co Ltd.


A number of companies sign contracts for the digital renovation of kilns on June 17. [Photo/zbnews.net]

Industrial kilns are widely used in Zibo and by many enterprises. To cut total energy consumption, the kilns-related industries in Zibo are upgrading their kilns into intelligent ones.

With the help of 5G and integrated cloud networks from China Mobile Group Zibo Co Ltd, the intelligent system can monitor the operating data of the equipment, which enables the enterprises to improve their energy efficiency. Also, by optimizing the operating conditions and performing preventive equipment maintenance, the digital management of the kilns can help reduce labor costs and prevent accidents.

Zibo is home to 15 kilns service providers and eight of them – including DLT Technology Co Ltd – signed contracts with Haizhizao Iot Technology and China Mobile Group (Zibo) on June 17.

Moving forwards, Zibo will aim to achieve systematic integration and efficient coordination with 100 kilns-related enterprises in 2022, according to its 2022 kilns digital upgrade action plan.

Furthermore, the municipal government will give a grant of up to 500,000 yuan ($74,680) to the enterprises that have achieved notable digital transformation results.