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Stir-fried pig kidney

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: July 26, 2022

Stir-fried pig kidney.jpg

Stir-fried pig kidney is famous for its taste and appearance. [Photo/WeChat ID: zibowenhualvyou]

To prepare stir-fried pig kidney, a fresh pig kidney has to be cut from the middle and sliced into the shape of the ears of wheat, which requires full concentration. Also, the fascia tissue which will make the dish smell unpleasant should be discarded.

First, sear the pig kidney in sizzling oil for three seconds to cook off excess water on the surface of the kidney and sharp it. Remove the pig kidney from the pan and place it on a plate.

Then, stir in grated garlic and ginger into the sizzling oil, place the pig kidney back in the hot frying pan, and add a spoonful of vinegar to add a delicious smell to the dish.