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Boshan Ceramic and Glaze Art Museum

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: December 21, 2022


A splendid interior view of the exhibits in the Boshan Ceramic and Glaze Art Museum. [Photo/WeChat account: zibowenhualvyou]

The Boshan Ceramic and Glaze Art Museum has three main sections: the ceramics museum, the glaze museum and the Boshan history and cultural exhibition hall. By combining their integrated resources, the museum is able to fully display the history and culture of ceramics and glazes.

The ceramics museum exhibits more than 1,100 pieces from ancient, modern and contemporary ceramics collections with a very high cultural relics value. This makes it a microcosm of the historical and cultural development of Boshan ceramics – and even a window into one of the birthplaces of Chinese ceramics.

The Boshan Ceramic and Glaze Art Museum covers a floor space of 3,600 square meters and its collection includes ancient glazed beads from the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), silk screens and the most valuable chicken liver stone. The museum helps visitors to understand the development history of Boshan glazes and appreciate their beauty.

Opening hours: 9:00-17:00 (closed on Mondays)

Ceramics museum

Address: No 1 North Yanshan'gongyuan Road, Boshan district

Tel: 0533-4132418

Glaze museum

Address: No 17, Xiye Street, Boshan district

Tel: 0533-4191778

Tips: Please ensure your personal protection during the COVID-19 epidemic and comply with the regulations related to epidemic prevention and control. Opening hours can be affected by weather, traffic flows and other factors, so please call the museums in advance to make an appointment.