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Zibo, Gwangju reap benefits from 20 years of ties

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: January 20, 2023

Zibo in East China's Shandong province and South Korea's Gwangju held a working meeting on Jan 19 to deepen the 20-year friendship between the two cities and promote further exchanges and cooperation.

The meeting was held virtually to discuss plans for the year, including the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the sister city relationship between the two cities.

A consensus was reached on several matters, including the launch of the "Multilateral Friendship City Mayors Dialogue" initiative, reciprocal visits during the China (Zibo) International Ceramics Fair, and youth exchange programs.

Located in the central region of Gyeonggi province in southeast Seoul, Gwangju is an important transportation hub city.

Zibo established sister city relationship with Gwangju in September 2003. In the past two decades, the two cities have successfully collaborated and exchanged in diverse fields, including the economy, culture, education, sports, civil service, and youth, yielding fruitful outcomes.