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Zibo Jinxiang Glaze Museum

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: February 6, 2023


Zibo Jinxiang Glaze Museum. [Photo/WeChat account: zibowenhualvyou]

The Zibo Jinxiang Glaze Museum is located on the hill in Taoliu ancient town in Boshan district – with a total floor space of 2,800 square meters and an exhibition floor space of 1,900 sq m – displaying more than 340 exhibits with high cultural and artistic value. The overall exhibition is divided into three themes: imprints of history, dialogue with the world, experiencing and learning.

Here you can watch raw materials that go into the glaze, as well as the production process and you can appreciate works from ancient times. You can also take in the new varieties being created. Visitors can appreciate ingredients such as carmine red – an intangible cultural heritage item of Shandong Province – as well as the turquoise green, turquoise orange and other precious materials. With its strong regional cultural characteristics, the museum presents traditional culture and displays the modern art of Boshan glaze in an all-round way. The promise is that it will show visitors the profound influence of culture, while they enjoy beauty in all its forms and get insights that bring enlightenment.

Opening hours: 8:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

Address: No 97 South Outer Ring Road, Shantou, Boshan district

Tel: 13695332298

Tips: Please ensure your personal protection during the COVID-19 epidemic and comply with the regulations related to epidemic prevention and control. Opening hours can be affected by weather, traffic flows and other factors, so please call the museums in advance to make an appointment.