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Zibo sets stage for rapid industrial development

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: February 17, 2023

Zibo city in East China's Shandong province has stepped up construction of major projects with a focus on strengthening and reinforcing its advanced manufacturing, enhancing the core competitiveness of this industry and fostering and expanding other emerging industries, local media reported.

A ceremony was held on Feb 14 at the high-end polyolefin project site of Shandong New Era Polymer Materials Co to mark the start of construction for a series of high-quality development projects in the province, sending a clarion call for the city's ambitions in terms of new project construction in 2023.

Zibo has identified 510 major provincial and city-level projects with a total investment of 610 billion yuan ($88.7 billion).

There are 220 projects under construction this year in Zibo based on a total investment of 123.9 billion yuan and an annual planned investment of 37.5 billion yuan.

Among these are 65 projects related to infrastructure construction and people's livelihoods with a total investment of 43.4 billion yuan. These are seen as key to enhancing the vitality of the city and improving people's well-being. Twenty seven of them are high-profile, internet-based platform projects with a total investment of 17.9 billion yuan as the city aims to build an innovation and entrepreneurship hub while also stimulating the city's vibrant development.

In recent years, more large projects have taken root in Zibo, as they benefit from its ideal business environment. This year, the city will mobilize more than 6,200 specialists to engage with over 10,000 enterprises to serve their project development.

It will establish project "hospitals", "clinics" or "diagnosis and treatment service teams" at different levels, which will help enterprises improve their efficiency in terms of project development.


A groundbreaking ceremony takes place on Feb 14 at the high-end polyolefin project site of Shandong New Era Polymer Materials Co. [Photo/zbnews.net]