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Yiyuan county

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: February 17, 2023


A sweeping riverside view in Yiyuan county. [Photo/yiyuan.gov.cn]

Name: Yiyuan

Population: 576,000 (April 2021)

Area: 1,636 square kilometers


Yiyuan – under the jurisdiction of Zibo city – is named after the source of the Yihe River. It is the geometric center of Shandong province, located at the junction of the five cities of Zibo, Jinan, Tai'an, Linyi and Weifang.

Natural resources

Yiyuan is a key national eco-friendly zone. It has an average elevation of 401 meters, which makes it the county with the highest average altitude in the province. Known as the "roof of Shandong", it has 1,983 named mountains. Of these, the highest in the county is Lushan Mountain at 1,108 meters, which is the fourth-highest peak in Shandong province, with Lushan Mountain forest park designated as a national geological park.

Yiyuan boasts 1,530 large and small rivers, as well as 114 reservoirs, with average annual water resources of 462 million cubic meters. The region is known as the "Qilu Water Tower".


A wealth of variegated color is in abundance in the fall, on Lushan Mountain in Yiyuan county. [Photo/WeChat account: yiyuanlvyou]


The chill of winter sets in at the Huiquan Taohua Island scenic area in Lucun town, Yiyuan county. [Photo/WeChat account:yiyuanlvyou]

Administrative divisions

Yiyuan county governs 10 towns, two sub-districts, one provincial-level economic development zone, 467 villages and 19 communities.