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Mouthwatering barbecues spark tourism boom in Zibo city

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: March 10, 2023

Delectable barbecues being offered in Zibo city – located in East China's Shandong province – recently went viral, leading to university students pouring in from neighboring cities to enjoy the renowned tasty treats.

The number of people arriving and departing Zibo Railway Station has rocketed since last weekend – with 45,429 folks headed for and departing there on March 4 and 47,958 people coming and going on March 5.

It's said that what makes the barbecues in Zibo so special, is that every table comes equipped with a small grill. When 70 or 80 percent kebabs are served, customers can prepare their DIY food according to personal taste.

The pancakes, scallions and table-top grills are seen as essential items for the customers. Locals usually wrap all the barbecued treats up in appetizing pancakes and scallions, with their faint scent and light spicy taste balancing the heavier flavors of the kebabs.

Moving forwards, Zibo is planning to hold a barbecue festival around May Day holiday, according to details released at news conference on March 10, in order to further fuel the enthusiasm for the city's gastronomic delights.

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The pancakes, scallions and small grills create a cozy atmosphere for customers. [Photo/app.zbnews.net]


With just a small grill, customers can have a ball cooking delicious food on their own. [Photo by Lanziiii/WeChat account: zibowenhualvyou]