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Qi culture empowers Zibo food sector

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: April 18, 2023

Traditional Qi culture has nourished the food industry of Zibo, East China's Shandong province, which adds vitality to its modern food development.

As the birthplace of Qi culture and Shandong cuisine, Zibo has thousands of years of food culture. Qimin Yaoshu, the first Chinese agricultural encyclopedia, emerged from Zibo during the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-581). It recorded agricultural production in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River basin, with more than 100 processing varieties introduced in the book.

Shandong Qiao Daughter-in-law Food Group Co Ltd still utilizes the ancient sauce brewing process recorded in the book to retain the traditional taste.


An ancient brewing workshop of Shandong Qiao Daughter-in-law Food Group Co Ltd. [Photo/WeChat account: zibofabu2014]

The 2023 Zibo Food Industry Development Conference was held in Gaoqing county of Zibo on March 30, with a raft of measures released to serve the further development of the food industry.

Great efforts will be made for Zibo to promote its long-established industries, including liquor, condiments, grain and oil processing, as well as baked food. The  city will also promote eco-friendly industries covering meat, mushrooms, as well as low temperature milk and beverages.

Moving forward, the scale of Zibo's food industry is projected to exceed 50 billion yuan ($7.28 billion) by 2024 and over 100 billion yuan by 2026.