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Sauce maker keeps traditional taste alive

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: May 10, 2023

A brewing experience hall that allows visitors to feel the traditional skills recorded in Qi Min Yao Shu, China's earliest and most complete agricultural encyclopedia, has settled in Linzi district of Zibo city, in East China's Shandong province.


Traditional soy sauce packages can be seen at the brewing experience hall. [Photo/WeChat account: zibowenhualvyou]

Built by Shandong Qiaoxifu Food Group Co Ltd, the experience hall focuses on the extensive brewing skills that go into making Chinese sauces, soy sauce, vinegar, and wine. It features a brewing culture and taste experience area, a production and packaging process sightseeing area, a brewing product experience area, and an area dedicated to the brewing skill known as Qi Min Yao Shu.

During the tour, visitors can enjoy a tasting experience, see how products are produced and packaged, and get to grips with traditional brewing skills.

They can also experience a range of interactive activities such as tasting soy sauce-flavored ice cream.


Some of the content featured in Qi Min Yao Shu is shown at the exhibition hall. [Photo/WeChat account: zibowenhualvyou]