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Huantai county

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: February 17, 2023


An impressive aerial view of Huantai county. [Photo/huantai.gov.cn]

Name: Huantai

Population: 489,500 (2020)

Area: 509 square kilometers


Huantai county is located in the mid area of the Luzhong mountains region and the Lubei Plain.


Huantai has a particularly ancient history, with the first recorded human civilization appearing as early as 4,000 years ago. The earliest oracle-bone inscriptions in China have been discovered at a site there. The county was established in 206 BC, and in 1914, it was renamed "Huantai county" due to the presence of the Qihuangong opera stage. Qihuangong was the emperor of the Qi state in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC).


An example of oracle-bone inscriptions found in Huantai county is shown in the Huantai Museum. [Photo/huantai.gov.cn]

Administrative divisions

The county consists of eight towns, one sub-district, two provincial-level economic parks, 335 villages and 13 urban communities.


A tranquil moment at Honglian Lake in Huantai county. [Photo/WeChat account: huantairongmei]