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Boshan district moves to create cultural environment

zibo.gov.cn| Updated: December 28, 2022

Boshan district – administered by the prefecture-level city of Zibo, located in East China's Shandong province – has committed itself to providing better public cultural services for its people.

The district has built 12 cultural center branches and 12 libraries, and four urban study rooms such as municipal workers' cultural center have opened to the public.

Boshan district is said to be home to the enduring humanitarian spirit of Jiao Yulu, a civil servant who sacrificed his life in 1964 while trying to alleviate poverty and who subsequently became a stirring role model for other Party members.

In 1967, the Jiao Yulu Memorial Hall was completed and opened in Beigushan village, which has influenced generations to be like him.

To further publicize the spirit of Jiao Yulu, the Jiao Yulu Executive Leadership Academy was unveiled in 2020.

The district is expected to evolve to become a great place for studying, promoting high-quality public cultural services.


A resident reads a book in one of the urban study rooms. [Photo/WeChat account: zibowenhualvyou]


The impressive exterior of the Jiao Yulu Memorial Hall in Boshan district. [Photo/WeChat account: zibowenhualvyou]


A view of the Jiao Yulu Executive Leadership Academy in Boshan district. [Photo/WeChat account: zibowenhualvyou]