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Boshan district

Boshan district

Boshan district is located to the north of Luzhong Mountain and to the south of Zibo city, in East China's Shandong province.

Chishang town: Home of Chinese bellflower

Chishang town: Home of Chinese bellflower

Around half the residents in Chishang town are involved in platycodon grandiflorum processing. [Photo/zbnews.net]

With an annual output value of 250 million yuan ($37.3 million), Chishang town – administered by Zibo city in East China's Shandong province – is the largest platycodon grandiflorum, or Chinese bellflower, production and processing base in China.

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Industrial alliances set up to promote specialty agriculture

​Boshan district of Zibo city in East China's Shandong province has been promoting industrial alliances to enhance the development of specialty agricultural produces.

At a meeting to promote the high-quality development of specialty agriculture on Feb 15, the district announced the establishment of five industrial alliances for kiwi fruit, fresh peaches, Platycodon grandiflorum (also known as the Chinese bellflower), edible funi and medicinal plants to strengthen cooperation between these member units in planting and processing, research and development, demonstration and application.

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Photo album about a village

Photo album about a village

The Binzhou-Laiwu Expressway straddles the valley where Qiaolingqian village is nestled on May 6, 2010. The expressway has linked the village and the outside world since the 1990s. LIU XINXI/FOR CHINA DAILY

Qiaolingqian is a village nestled in mountains in Boshan district, Zibo, Shandong province.

Home to beautiful scenery such as karst caves, the mountains once kept the village unknown to the outside world.

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Zibo tiger ceramics add zest to arrival Spring Festival

Zibo tiger ceramics add zest to arrival Spring Festival

Zhou Zuyi's work, called lucky tiger, integrates traditional ceramic culture with unique production skills, for auspiciousness and good fortune. [Photo/WeChat account: zibowenhualvyou]

To welcome in the upcoming Chinese Year of the Tiger, the Boshan district of Zibo city has been busy producing tiger-shaped ceramics to add zest to the jubilant atmosphere of the upcoming Chinese New Year's holiday.

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Boshan district cheers on its newly listed scenic villages

Boshan district cheers on its newly listed scenic villages

Women pick tea at the biggest tea plantation in the northern region of Shangxiaofeng village – located in Chishang town, Boshan district – where the area under cultivation exceeds 66.7 hectares. [Photo/WeChat account: yanshenchuanmei]

There were cheers all round when three villages in the Boshan district of Zibo city – located in East China's Shandong province – were listed as scenic villages.

As a result, the villages in question are expected to get more local government support for the development of scenic spots, as well as a big boost in rural tourism and the incomes of locals.

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Boshan district welcomes business startups

Boshan district welcomes business startups

Things get under way at the Goldsmiths production line in Boshan district. [Photo/WeChat account: zibowenhualvyou]

The improved commercial environment in Boshan district – administered by the prefecture-level city of Zibo, in East China's Shandong province – has made it a real magnet for young entrepreneurs who want to embark on business startups.

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